Duh! Diplomacy by David Partridge
Seems my life is often made up of adjusting to a
series of mistakes. For example, I recently rashly read an email without first
checking to see who it was from. It was a very nice missive from our esteemed
editor requesting that I provide him with an article for Diplomacy World. There
was a touching little story about how disappointed the Sicilian backers of
Whining Pig Enterprises would be if there weren't enough articles for the next
issue, but even before I read that I found myself cancelling my plans for the
weekend and sitting down to crank out something. All because I didn't take the
time to check the sender's address and file the note away in the "What note? I
never got a note" file.
That mistake being on my mind as I searched for a
topic, started me thinking about how often mistakes have played a part in my
gaming. I used to groan and moan when I made a silly mistake, gnash my teeth a
bit and go on to lose the game. Then came my conversion as I began to master the
techniques of Duh! Diplomacy. The defining moment was when I made a silly
mistake on the Spring 1901 moves. It was a face to face game, and it was obvious
from my ally's expression that he had already pegged me in the "too stupid to be
anything but cannon fodder" category. Spending the whole game trying to convince
him otherwise didn't sound like fun, but I certainly wasn't ready to write the
game off either. Then came the epiphany, maybe stupid moves could work to my
advantage! I quickly made a firm secret alliance with our original target,
including setting the date of the stab two years down the road. Then I bungled
along for the next 5 moves, letting my ally make all the decisions, making a few
suggestions that wouldn't quite work out, and blowing one more move in the
backfield that kept one of my armies lagging behind where I needed it. He was
happy to use me to further his own ends, secure in the knowledge that he'd take
me out with virtually no effort when the time came. Then came the coordinated
stab. There were no mutual supports but my secret ally knew my armies would be
turning around and used that knowledge to the fullest. The stupification on our
victim's face was wonderful to see, after all, he knew I was dumber than a
stick, and I hadn't even talked to the other player in over 2 game years! (I had
carefully stayed at the table in plain view during all the negotiating
sessions.) Unfortunately, I didn't go on to win the game, but I certainly had
fun, and a new respect for the power of Duh! Diplomacy.
While it's rare that you get a chance to convince
someone to view you as completely harmless until you have a chance to stick the
knife in, there are still many uses for an apparently dumb move in most
Diplomacy games. Take, for example, the use of a "mistake" to pre-position for a
stab. A classic example occurred as an I/F alliance was pushing against Russia.
In an apparent miscommunication, France's army Berlin and Italy's army Silesia
each supported the other to Prussia. With Prussian support uncut, the Russian
army in Warsaw marched into Silesia forcing Italy to retreat. Nothing much else
moved on the board and it seemed a setback, but hardly a disaster as Silesia
fell back to Munich. The next turn however, Munich was in Burgundy, Bohemia was
in Munich, Tyrolia was in Piedmont and Italian fleets were heading West. Berlin,
expecting support from Munich, fell to the Russians and the French position
imploded. A massive stab that could have occurred anyway, but here it got a big
leg up as the most damaging offensive move was masked as a defensive retreat.
The well defined DMZ, designed to give each power that vital turn of warning was
breached without a flicker of concern.
The use of Duh! Diplomacy need not to be limited to
setting up stabs. Often it is a good way to provide a little bit of protection
against an ally that you are not one hundred percent sure of. For example, as an
A/F alliance moved towards the end game, the Austrian began to have some doubts
about the committment of the French player to their alliance. Their forces in
the Med were balanced, but France had fleets in the north that could be quickly
swung south while Austria had no such reserves. Austria also recognized that his
doubts could well just be the paranoid ravings of someone who played Diplomacy
too much. He knew that France was just as paranoid as he was, and if he did
anything overt, France might well take it as a prelude to a stab, triggering the
confrontation he was trying to avoid. His solution was to "accidentally" leave
only one center open for the two builds he had coming. A non-offensive, mildly
silly mistake, one that hardly drew a comment, yet one that greatly strengthened
his position. He could hold any French stab for a year, and now there was the
option of a lfeet build if it came. Perhaps there never was a threat, or perhaps
it was the extra deterrent, but the alliance moved held and moved forward. The
same result could have been achieved by simply waiving one of the builds, but
look at the difference in the two approaches from the French point of build. Why
hold a build? Only because Austria was contemplating a fleet build obviously.
Why? Either because he did not trust France, or because he was planning a stab
of his own. Either way, a strain would have been placed on the alliance. Much
better to just appear a little bit absent minded!
Duh! Diplomacy is not for everyone. You need to find
yourself in situations where an apparently dumb move is both available and
beneficial. And you need to be able to convince the other players that you
really are dumb enough to have made the move by accident. You'll find though,
that the more often you achieve the first goal, the easier the second becomes.
Of course, now that I've bared my soul, I'll not be able to use my strategy of
calculated stupidity any more. I'll get some compensation though from watching
my opponents scrambling to figure out what devious plot I have up my sleeve as I
bumble along. For you however, the possibilities are endless, so get out there
and do something dumb!